It’s again the time of the year
In which the bodies are calm and the minds are clear
With nothing on our subconscious, except the love and fear
For Him, the One who is always near

We fast, pray and keep our patience
A mutual state of mind spread among nations
Tested as always on worldly temptations
With one goal in front of us: our eternal salvations

A month full of blessings and peace
A period of time in which we’re given the keys
Without being asked for wages or fees
Only a submitting soul to the One who always Sees

May we have a blessed and inspiring Ramadan
Moments of reflections and remembrance at night and dawn
A month in which times passes too quickly and soon will be gone
A special month to act upon before it’s withdrawn

God, please accept our prayers, like those of the birds that sing
You’re the One with Whom we can have the strongest string
The Most Merciful Who provides for everything
Praise be to God, our only true King

2 Replies to “Ramadan”

  1. Veel mensen tijdens Ramadan draaien het volgende voor de ochtend Adan en avond Adan, Ik dacht misschien vind jij het ook leuk.

    Hopelijk je bewandelt een van de rechte wegen naar Hem toe.

    Liked by 1 person

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